Saturday, February 14, 2009

Bou, the "foster dog" : FebPhotos Day 14

We got a call last week from a close friend in poor health, who asked us to take care of her dog Bou until she recovers. Bou is short for Boudicca, the Iceni queen of the East Anglia who rebelled against the Romans in 60 A.D. Did I mention that our friend is a retired English History professor (and one of the smartest and wittiest people I know)?

So we drove down to Mt Olive, NC, today and picked up Bou, an 11-year old beagle who's full of sweetness and beagle-esque mischief. We might have Bou with us for a while, so it was great to see that her and Asta got along pretty well on their first day as co-habitants. Here's some photos from our trip and Bou's first hour here:

Yes, we went to Mt. Olive, home of the famous Mt. Olive Pickle Company, as you might surmise when you see their town sign. You can see a very stylized image of the town of Mt. Olive, with their famous street intersection of Cucumber and Vine, by checking out their website.

Any ideas that we might be starting our own kennel here in Blacksburg were quickly put to rest when this truck passed us on Hwy 52 north of Winston-Salem. While we had one small bag of Science Diet with us as Bou's provisions, this truck passed us with a bed filled to the brim with bags of dog food. You can see from their license plate that these folks are serious about dogs. Hounds in particular, it appears:

Like a good beagle, as soon as we got here Bou immediately started to sniff the entire perimeter of the backyard. No smell went undocumented. Asta watched as Bou checked out her new foster home yard, occasionally trying to get Bou to play, to no avail.

In an expected twist to the FebPhoto project, I accidentally switched my camera to the video mode and, much to my surprise, ended up taking this 10 second video of Asta and Bou scurrying around each other in the kitchen. You can tell by how deftly I aimed the camera that I had no idea it was in video mode:


FairiesNest said...

Can't wait to meet Bou, I wonder how she'll like Mattie?

Bantering Bibliocrat said...

I bet they'll get along fine. We're amazed on how well Asta and Bou are getting along. It's very sweet.

we_be_toys said...

Some purty fancy cinematography there!
It's almost like having a bunch of kids underfoot, only you can put them outside overnight (well, maybe not where you live, this time of year, but when it warms up? Oh Yeah!!)